
Are you a committed follower of Jesus who wants to be equipped to fulfill your destiny in God? Our School of Ministry is equipped to teach students who have a burning desire to love and serve God.


You will be grounded in the word, stretched in faith, immersed in the Spirit, and equipped to go out and make an impact in your communities for generations to come.

We treasure the Bible as the inerrant Word of God and are devoted to correctly handling the word of truth. Our goal is to help you become all that God intends you to be. We are an affiliate of the Institute for Teaching God’s Word Theological Seminary (ITGW) located in Rockdale, Texas.

A Call to Ministry is a Call to Preparation. Our teachers are committed to equipping each one of our students with the knowledge to walk into their ministry. Our program offers Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees.

Are you ready to take your Christian education to the next level?